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One of the goals of STEM PTO is to help streamline fundraising at STEM and make it more effective and efficient for group mentors, leaders, parents, and students. 


We arranged to have an all-group spring Butter Braids sale for this purpose. STEM PTO facilitated the details of the sale. The students did the actual selling to help raise the funds for their groups.  


The ordering is now closed. We'll do this again in the future. 


Delivery instructions:


  • If you placed your order with a student, they will coordinate delivering your product to you.

  • If you ordered online, pick-up of Butter Braids will be after school on March 14 (preferred) or during parent/teacher conferences on March 15. Be sure to bring a cooler! More detailed instructions on exact pickup times and locations will be emailed to those who ordered.


If you have any other questions, please contact STEM PTO at


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