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10 Boxtops = $1 for our school! These pink gems add up quickly!


Clip BoxTops from everyday items in your household and send them to STEM School Highlands Ranch in a ziplock baggie or paper envelope. If you prefer, printable collection sheets can be found HEREFor easy student drop off, BoxTop collection boxes are conveniently located in each of the school office lobbies (Elementary, Middle, High).  This is a great way for friends and family to help support our school by simply collecting Boxtops too.  Thank you for participating in this easy money-maker!     

2018-19 BoxTops Schedule

July 1st -- New BoxTops school year starts

November 1st -- Fall BoxTops Submission Date Cut-Off

December -- BoxTops Checks sent to schools

March 1st -- Spring BoxTops Submission Date Cut-Off

April -- BoxTops Checks sent to schools

June 30th -- Last day of BoxTops school year


BoxTop Basics

STEM School Highlands Ranch BoxTop Collection boxes are located in each of the 3 offices for easy drop of by students.​


Please try to keep the BoxTop expiration date and product code intact and legible by cutting on the dotted line.


STEM School HR BoxTop Earnings

2013-14 ........... $1032.06

2014-15 ........... $1539.00

2015-16 ............  $752.10

2016-17............ $1201.50

Total Earnings .... $5269.05​


Thank-you for supporting our school!

eBoxTops with BoxTop App

Boost STEM School Highlands Ranch's rewards with eBoxTops via BoxTop's App!  You can earn bonus digital eBoxTops by (1) adding "offers" to selected BoxTop products in the BoxTop App, then (2) scanning receipts where said offers documenting the purchased items.  BoxTops will then confirm the offers where purchased and digitally add the Bonus BoxTops to our school's BoxTop total.  All of the details on the BoxTop App can be found HERE.  

eBoxTops with Safeway

Boost STEM School Highlands Ranch's rewards with eBoxTops at Safeway!  You can earn digital eBoxTops for STEM through Safeway's "Just For U" Program.  Just add digital eBoxTops offers to your Safeway Card when you shop and STEM earns 10¢ for every digital eBoxTops when you buy participating items.  Sign up for the program HERE.  


eBoxTops can also be found at any of the Safeway family of stores nationwide making this an easy way for far-away friends and family to help support your child's education.

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